Bun (Doughnut Bun with out a doughnut)
Here is my first and second attempt at a doughnut bun.
To get the doughnut bun you need to put the hair up in a neat ponytail as tight as can be, then you need to section the ponytail into four section and back comb the underneath of each section and with a pin tail comb you need to curl/tuck the hair under and pin it down once all the hair pinned you need no pull the section around so there's no gap and pin the hair again.
First attempt Second attempt
Third attempt
Twisted Bun
To get this i tied the hair all up into a ponytail, twisted it around and pinned down to get the look bellow.
Plaited Bun
To get a plaited bun you will need to place the hair up into a ponytail, you would then need to plait the whole ponytail, twist around and pin down so it looks like the image below
Personally i prefer the bun without a doughnut as you get a sharp smooth effect, also between the plaited bun and the twisted bun i prefer the plaited bun as you get a lot more texture from it and it fits a lot of designs.